
Raspberry Pi gains a new 12.3-megapixel camera and interchangeable lenses

Let no App store claim it is by default more secure than others - Google Play has been spreading advanced Android malware for years

You Can Now View 4 Million Items in the British Museum's Online Collection

Google Meet video conferencing is now free for anybody - Does require a Google account... and is it true end-to-end-encryption?

How to convert VHS videotape to 60p digital video, and why the resultant video often shows lines

Amazon Prime Video in South Africa – What you get for R114 per month

Oura Ring Trend Graphs Showing Evidence That Exercise Benefits The Quality Of Sleep (video)

South African banks to let more employees work from home - Nedbank and FNB said they seen an increase in productivity during the lockdown period and 'switching off' can be a problem

Great short demo showing the power of free and open source Blender 3D in transforming scenes using motion tracking

What is the Mastodon Social Network and How could it be better than Twitter?

Free and Open Source Kdenlive 20.04 Video Editor Released with Major Updated, Including Better Motion Tracking

Stats SA launches online survey for South Africans to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemicSouth African banks to let more employees work from home - Nedbank and FNB said they saw an incr

Stats SA launches online survey for South Africans to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Maple 30x electric SUV Costs Less Than A Quarter Of A Tesla Model 3

6 tips for securing your WordPress website - Even beginners can take these steps to protect their WordPress sites against cyberattacks

Working from home is here to stay say Experts - Businesses need to implement work-from-home strategies

DisplayLand - 3D Scanning from your Smart Phone that empowers anyone to publish shared, persistent 3D, AR and VR experiences that can be played by anyone, from anywhere, on any device

Straight Razor vs Safety Razor- Which Is the Best for Shaving This 2020?

Good news for the sale of tech products in South Africa under Level 4 lockdown

Oura Ring trends graphs showing clear evidence that exercise improves my sleep the night following the exercise

Telegram updated to v6.1 as it hits 400 million monthly active users - Better attachment picker, new quiz features, and improved sticker management are on board

Warning – Windows 10 update deletes personal files - Can't remember when I last heard of Linux upgrade issues like this

'Non-commercial use only'? Oopsie. You can't get much more commercial than a huge digital billboard over Piccadilly

Apps using a mobile phone camera aren’t a reliable way to measure blood oxygen levels - Using them could be dangerous

Street View is helping this tour guide stay in business - Good to see so many getting innovative with their skills and applying them through technology

Dutch government encourages public services to share their software source code

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika Rock Instrumental by South African musicians

What causes great empires throughout history to fall? Can they be learned from, or is a fall always inevitable? Rare to see a mature discussion on the Internet

A Walk Through Oura Ring's Mobile App Report That Is Sent Out Weekly (Video)

CleanKey Antimicrobial Brass (62% Copper content) Hand Tool - Open Doors, Press Buttons & Pull Levers Without Actually Touching Them

How to use your Android phone as a whiteboard or webcam to a recording or a live stream (YouTube Live, Zoom etc) with free OBS Studio

Vivaldi for Android goes stable with desktop-style tab strip and tracker blocking

Google Home will finally let you adjust 'OK Google' listening sensitivity - No, Google I wasn't talking to you. No, Google. No. NO

Here’s why “baking” damaged reel-to-reel tapes renders them playable again - Baking at 130°F is the sweet spot to reverse "sticky shed syndrome

Sir David Attenborough is giving kids aged 5 to 14 free geography lessons during lockdown

Samsung announces a blood pressure monitoring app for the Galaxy Watch Active 2

Rasbian XP for the Pi 4 is an excellent Windows XP skin but also has a Win 98 VM that can play old Windows games

Testing out rFactor 2 on Linux again - Took a Nissan 350Z around the track and was more impressed with the handling in this racing sim

Puppy Linux allows you to run a persistent instance (not a Live CD) of Linux directly from a USB flash drive

Stuck at home with a Windows PC but no webcam - use your Android or iOS device as a webcam

The Premier League will return as a FIFA ePremier League Invitational Tournament on NBC as well as Sky Sports’ Twitch and YouTube pages - All 20 teams will participate

An Essential Guide on Python for Beginners - A good primer to one of the world's most popular programming languages

Scuttlebutt is a completely decentralised peer-to-peer social network with no servers or control... and its growing

Chromium-based Kiwi Browser for Android is now completely open source - and it supports browser extensions

Life After Death: The Resurgence of Nokia

Getting Started With Pacman Commands in Arch-based Linux Distributions including Manjaro

Regularly switching between Linux directories in the terminal? Try using pushd to stack and switch between them quickly

GeoFatBoy's Top 3 Safety Razors for Beginners

How to install and use a custom ROM with no Google apps - microG is almost a perfect Play Services replacement

Ham Radio JS8Call Digital Mode Receiving A Text Message In Real-Time

Tweaking history on Linux - The bash shell's history command in Linux makes it easy to review and reuse commands, but there's a lot you do to control how much it remembers and how much forget