Sir David Attenborough is giving kids aged 5 to 14 free geography lessons during lockdown

The programme includes 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK from ages 5-15. It will deliver a tailored day of learning on the BBC iPlayer, Red Button, BBC Bitesize website & app, BBC Four and BBC sounds.

Makes me realise that maybe too many education departments concentrated solely on face to face teaching (which has now collapsed). They should have been also building up a standard repository of daily lessons from their best educators which could firstly serve as a benchmark for face-to-face teachers, and secondly act as a substitute if say an educator (or the learner) is not available for a period of time. For slow learners the benefit would have been being able to replay the lesson, or with YouTube Go (if published to YouTube) the lessons could be taken home and played off-line without the Internet on a cheaper Android phone device.

There is nothing stopping education departments doing these lessons right now using what each educator already has (as long as the curriculum is probably divided up to educators to do, and it is published in a manner that learners can obtain it and distribute it to others without Internet (YouTube Go).

See Sir David Attenborough is giving kids free geography lessons during lockdown

#technology #education


Bitesize Daily launched today as the biggest ever educational offering from the BBC for home-learning for the kids. The programme includes 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK from ages 5-15. It will deliver a tailored day of learning on the BBC iPlayer, Red Button, BBC Bitesize website & app, BBC Four […]

