Telegram updated to v6.1 as it hits 400 million monthly active users - Better attachment picker, new quiz features, and improved sticker management are on board

Amidst the global coronavirus pandemic, Telegram has reached the milestone of 400 million monthly active users, up from 300 million a year ago. To celebrate the occasion, the company has introduced an update to Telegram version 6.1.

Back in January, Telegram added quizzes to its poll feature, and with school children staying at home right now, the company has decided to enhance this aspect of the app with more educational features. The @QuizBot lets you add explanations when users respond to questions to give them more context or help them learn from mistakes. There's also a timer to make cheating harder. For anyone interested in creating educational quizzes, the company has set up a competition to crowd-source original education tests in any language. It'll distribute €400,000 across participants based on popularity and quality of their submissions.

See Telegram updated to v6.1 as it hits 400 million monthly active users

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Amidst the global coronavirus pandemic, Telegram has reached the milestone of 400 million monthly active users, up from 300 million a year ago. To

