
Verily pauses research on glucose-sensing contact lens (ex-Google project)

How to view battery usage per hour on iOS 12

Solar Energy Beats Coal On Critical Infrastructure Resilience, Says US Dep of Energy

New major Harvard study: A calorie is not a calorie

STEMMA capacitive soil moisture sensor improves on resistive style for around $7.50

Pixel Night Sight also works in daylight, reducing noise and boosting resolution

Science VS podcast explains how burning fossil fuel is differentiated from natural CO2 in the atmosphere...

Should You Keep Taking Those Fish Oil And Vitamin D Pills? Short Answer: Probably not unless you have...

Why aren’t chip credit cards stopping “card present” fraud in the US? Easy Answer = It's not the fault...

Google announces Wear OS 'H' update with Battery Saver changes, Smart App Resume, and more

Android Central's Best Android Launchers in 2018 - Want to upgrade your Android experience? Try upgrading...

How To Kill The Largest Process In An Unresponsive Linux System with Early OOM

With all the excitement of finding alternatives to G+ my Tech & Gadgets Collection just passed 500,000...

What Is Open Source Software, and Why Does It Matter?

Electricity is the ‘New Fuel of Choice’ Says the International Energy Agency, and it's Where the Big...