Should You Keep Taking Those Fish Oil And Vitamin D Pills? Short Answer: Probably not unless you have...

Should You Keep Taking Those Fish Oil And Vitamin D Pills? Short Answer: Probably not unless you have a specific Deficiency

Nearly 19 million Americans take fish oil supplements and some 37 percent of us take vitamin D. Many may be motivated by research that has suggested these pills can protect heart health and prevent cancer. On Saturday, NPR published a story on long-awaited research on both supplements that called those claims into question.

The findings of the trial, called VITAL, were complex. When researchers looked at cancer and overall cardiovascular events, they found no protective benefit from taking vitamin D or fish oil supplements. But when they looked only at heart attacks, they did find a benefit, especially for African-Americans and people who eat little fish. (Researchers say further study is needed to see whether those benefits hold up.)

It is not to say there is zero benefit but if you are eating a healthy diet you probably dod not need vitamin supplements. And yet the marketing message always seems so powerful around supplements.

See some specific questions answered at

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from Danie van der Merwe - Google+ Posts
