
Scotland's wind turbines are becoming increasingly efficient at meeting the nation's power needs

The Biggest Misconception About Keto, Debunked By a Doctor

Roll for Fantasy Site - a site for creators of stories, writing books, tabletop gaming, puzzles, fantasy...

Keybase offers encrypted chat where you control all the pieces - No SIM or phone required

A Graphical Timeline of the History of Computer Software & Languages

Why it's always worth re-evaluating your online streaming music service

Scotland To Permanently Ban Fracking after Public Consultation

70+ Genius Life Hacks You Will Be Surprised You Never Thought Of

A Graphical Timeline of Computer History

11 Open Source Tools for Writers and Authors

Toshiba claims its new electric car battery enables 200 miles of range with a 6-minute charge

A Graphical Timeline of The History of Computer Networking & The Web

My Takeaways from the Google 2017 Event

Obesity-related cancers on the rise in the U.S.

KeySmart Pro review: Tile tracking on a great key organizer is invaluable