Dog Poop Drone Cleans Up The Yard So You Don’t Have To

Man standing on a stage in front of a projector screen. ON the screen can be seen a drone resting on some grass. There are some extra wires protruding from the drone, and underneath it can be seen what looks like some flat discs protruding out around it.

Yes, you probably really don’t NEED this, but some people may well think they do.

The video in the linked article below, from a lightning talk at a conference, gives a pretty good overview of how it works, and some of the thought process involved in getting it to where it is now. And while Caleb’s PoopCopter is clearly still a prototype, it’s easy to get the gist. Combining data from the previous poop-adjacent efforts, Caleb has built a quadcopter that can (or will, someday) be guided to the approximate location of the offending package, home in on it using a downward-looking camera, and autonomously whisk it away.

