I’m actually starting to lose count now of the fundamental myths that have been solidly believed for decades, turning out to be false. The thing is they all made such logical sense, hence why they were believed, and even today are very difficult to overturn. Think of eggs (or other food with cholesterol) raising blood cholesterol, eating fat will make you fat, earthing, multivitamins, Type 2 diabetes can’t be reversed without drugs, saturated fat clogs the arteries (Ancel Keys), vaccines cause infertility, and more.
For most of these I’ve done a post or two already as they were proven incorrect by modern medical studies. But the aluminium one is a more recent busted myth. I suppose humans are ever on the quest for better health, and really want to believe that some things are best avoided (or taken), without critically analysing it first. Clearly, many medical professionals were guilty of the same positive bias.
See https://lifehacker.com/you-don-t-need-to-worry-about-aluminum-in-your-deodoran-1825016935
#health #myths #mythsbusted #aluminium