Apple Podcasts’s store ratings have little to do with the app – Really consider good 3rd party podcast players instead

That’s right: they’re reviews of the podcasts themselves, not the Apple Podcasts app. And that is an extremely convenient situation for Apple because actual reviews of the Apple Podcasts app most definitely do not trend toward five stars. In fact, they trend toward an abysmal 1.8-star score because the app has been remarkably buggy for months.

This is particular unfair to really excellent podcast players such as Pocket Casts, Player FM, and others that provide all sorts of other useful features, and actually work.

The content remains the same no matter what podcast player you use, but the features and quality of the playback experience depending on what app you choose.

Seriously, these Big Tech companies are not so good at innovating, or staying very long with a product. This is why they often throw money at something, and buy their “competitor” out. Apps such as Pocket Casts and Player FM exist only because of what they do very well…. think about that.


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