Weekend Brightener: Hacker Ruining Scam Call Centre With Malware, And Saving The Day


Hacking can often be perceived as a bad thing, but there is an awful lot of good hacking that happens, not just like this case of ruining scams. But this is one sweet example of how some vulnerable victims got saved. What is noteworthy here, is the lengths the hacker went to, to follow up and make sure the old man was not scammed. The absolute irony was the victim not believing the warning he got, and then telling the scammer he thinks the person warning him was trying to scam him!

We can laugh at the absurdity of the scam, but it just shows how many people can get taken in. Don’t reveal personal information or passwords to a stranger over the phone, and don’t post cash off to some odd address via the post office…

It’s good to see lots of hackers sharing their videos about taking down of these scam call centres.

See https://youtu.be/YGXAaTIWP10

#technology #scams #hacking #scambusting

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/weekend-brightener-hacker-ruining-scam-call-centre-with-malware-and-saving-the-day/
