The Matrix Awakens is an unmissable next-gen showcase of the incredible realness of Epic’s Unreal Engine 5
Although it’s a demo, it is a fully open world equivalent to 4 km x 5 km with 260 km of roads, 7,000 buildings, and 35,000 simulated MetaHuman pedestrians. It’s a proof of concept demo designed to showcase how close Unreal Engine 5’s cutting-edge systems are to showtime and to prove once and for all that these systems are capable of running on the new wave of Sony and Microsoft simples, albeit at capped at 30 frames per second. If performance can look somewhat inconsistent, that’s because the entirety of the character rendering demo at the beginning and indeed the cutscenes with the chase shoot-out, all render at a ‘cinematic’ 24 frames per second.
The entire open world project with all of its assets will be distributed to Unreal Engine 5 users to experiment with as they wish.
See #^ but watch the video at