My very first Python app! It manages Cloudflare WARP CLI settings on Linux

I’ve had “To learn Python” on my bucket list for just on two years now. I finally got going this weekend, and it only took about 3 to 4 days to go through the tutorials, and my app was written in one day. Given it is not 100% done (is any app?) but it is basically all workable apart from the connect button.

In this video I explain why having an “itch to scratch” is an important motivation for learning a new programming language, as well as what the itch was that I was scratching, I show the app, and then give an overview of the code I put together. I hope it shows how easy it is to develop GUI apps in Python (there is a lot more than just the basics I’m using) and that it motivates others to get going with their coding, no matter what the language.


My very first Python app! It manages Cloudflare WARP CLI settings on Linux
by Danie van der Merwe on YouTube

#python #programming #cloudflare #opensource #linux

