Hiking Project - A free crowd-sourced hiking guide with a social aspect, built by hikers like you for iOS and Android

The information on Hiking Project is crowd-sourced, contributed by passionate users excited to share their knowledge of local trails with others. Anyone can share their experiences: add your favourite trails and photos, give ratings, post comments, improve existing content and spread the word about recommended routes. Your expertise brings an authentic voice to each trail and route.

So no features like overdue alerts to contacts or off-route alerting, but you can view your location on offline maps, record new trails, and share comments with others about conditions on a trail. A trail view shows the elevation overview, distance, hiker ratings scores, description with info, photos, driving directions to the start point, and recent feedback from other hikers on conditions.

I found a few trails in my neighbourhood (56 in South Africa), so your mileage will certainly vary by how active hikers in your area are who use the app. There is also a website for doing your planning, but you cannot manually create a map (you need to record it on the trail).

You can actually use the basics without even registering a profile at all (especially if you just want to navigate a trail). It may be worth also comparing what you get here with the free version of something like the AllTrails app, as that app has a ton more trails. Still, crowdsourcing new trails and giving feedback to others is a nice concept that Hiking Project has.

See Hiking Project | Hiking Trail Maps

#technology #navigation #hiking #trails #outdoors


source https://gadgeteer.co.za/hiking-project-free-crowd-sourced-hiking-guide-social-aspect-built-hikers-you-ios-and-android
