When a patient is undergoing chemotherapy, the cancer-inhibiting drugs course through their entire body — anywhere the blood goes. This has a variety of side effects, like weakness and nausea, and on a longer time scale hair loss occurs as the substances affect the follicles. Luminate’s solution, developed in partnership with the National University of Ireland Galway, is to prevent the blood from reaching those cells in the first place.
The device that effects this is a sort of mechanized compression garment for the head. If that sounds a bit sinister, don’t worry — it uses only soft materials to achieve the pressure; Hannon says that it isn’t uncomfortable and pressure is carefully monitored.
See Luminate aims to make hair loss from chemotherapy a thing of the past – TechCrunch
#health #cancer #chemotherapy #Luminate
Hair loss resulting from chemotherapy is one of the most recognizable side effects in all of medicine, and for many is an unwanted public announcement of their condition and treatment. Luminate Medical may have a solution in a medical wearable that prevents the chemical cocktail from tainting hair …
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/luminate-aims-make-hair-loss-chemotherapy-thing-past