Safety Razor Vs. Cartridge: Which One Should You Get? Cost vs Environment vs Shave Quality Compared

No real surprises here, as this pretty much the consensus I've been seeing for a while (unless you watch Gillette adverts, and then remember they relaunched their own safety razor recently). A straight razor is probably the best overall, but not everyone in the modern era has got past the longer learning curve in stropping the blade and using it.

For me personally, a safety razor has definitely been noticeably better for my skin, and I have not disposed of a single blade yet over many years (they are all collected in a large money tin for recycling disposal one day). Cost? Well I bought 400 safety razor blades a few years ago, and am still working my way through those packs, replacing the blade weekly. My father's 1960's Gillette safety razor actually still works fine today, 60 years on.

See Safety Razor Vs. Cartridge: Which One Should You Get?

#shaving #environment #traditionalshaving #safteyrazor #wetshaving


Which is better for you—a safety razor vs cartridge razor? In this article, we give the pros and cons of the two razors to help you choose which to go for.

