16 Best Free and Open Source RSS Feed Readers for Linux in 2021 - Because RSS is News without Algorithms

There is a wealth of information on the web that you probably want to keep up to date with; from news to how-tos, guides, tutorials, and more. Imagine having to visit, on a daily basis, all your favorite blogs or websites – it’s a bit of a challenge, especially if you have a tight schedule. This is where RSS comes into play.

RSS (Rich Site Summary or also Really Simple Syndication) is a popular and standardized web format used to deliver regularly changing content on the web. It is employed by blogs, news-related sites as well as other sites to deliver their content as an RSS Feed to Internet users interested in it.

RSS feeds enable you to see when blogs or websites have added new content so you can get the latest headlines, videos, and images within a single interface, immediately after being published, without necessarily visiting the news sources (you have taken the feeds from).

To subscribe to a feed, simply go to your favorite blog or site, copy the RSS URL and paste it into your RSS feed reader: do this for sites you visit frequently.

Some of these are desktop installable applications and some are self-hostable that you access with your browser or a mobile app. A few will also install on Windows and macOS. My own blog also contains an RSS feed, which I often use to replicate my posts elsewhere.

See 16 Best RSS Feed Readers for Linux in 2021

#technology #news #RSS #opensource #linux


There is a wealth of information on the web that you probably want to keep up to date with; from news, to how tos, guides, tutorials and more.

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/16-best-free-and-open-source-rss-feed-readers-linux-2021-because-rss-news-without-algorithms
