RTFM! How to Read (and Understand) the Fantastic Man Pages in Linux

The man pages, short for reference manual pages, are your keys to Linux. Everything you want to know is there – take it all in an run with it.
The collection of documents will never win a Pulitzer prize, but the set is quite accurate and complete. The man pages are the primary source and that authority is well-known.

At first glance, the pages may look incomplete but, believe it or not, the man pages aren’t designed to hide information from you – it’s just that there is so much information that the pages have to be structured and information is given in the most brief form possible. The explanations are rather spartan and they will take some getting used to, but once you get the hang of using them, you’ll see how useful they actually are.

See Understanding man Pages in Linux [Beginner's Guide]

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The man pages, short for reference manual pages, are your keys to Linux. Understanding the man pages could be challenging. This guide will help you.

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/rtfm-how-read-and-understand-fantastic-man-pages-linux
