Meet CutefishOS: A New Manjaro Community Spin That Looks Like macOS - But You Could Adapt Your Existing Linux Distro Too

CutefishOS is based on Manjaro Linux fueled by its in-house desktop environment called Cutefish Desktop Environment (CDE). It looks similar to JingOS made for tablets and computers with touch input and JingPad A1.

Design-wise, the OS resembles macOS and iPadOS a lot. Heck! Even the PulseAudio sound control app has the Apple Music logo on it, with the only difference being a gear embedded in the logo. Well, it’s in the beta unstable state, and I think it’s too early to comment on anything at this point as everything is very unpolished.

Being Linux you could go and replicate the similar theming to an existing distro, but this is really intended for those who like the macOS type appearance, who like rolling distros, and who want to try Manjaro as well.

See Meet CutefishOS: A New Manjaro Community Spin That Looks Like macOS

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There are two main Manjaro versions - Official and Community. Today marks the release of another Manjaro community edition release CutefishOS.

