Me Too! Google Play Store to add privacy information for all Android apps

Google announced the introduction of a privacy information section on the entries of Android applications listed in its Google Play Store digital distribution service starting with Q1 2022.

"Today, we're pre-announcing an upcoming safety section in Google Play that will help people understand the data an app collects or shares, if that data is secured, and additional details that impact privacy and security," Suzanne Frey, Product VP for Android Security and Privacy, said.

We've just seen with Apple's roll out that only around 4% of users opted to enable the tracking in their settings. Apple defaulted it to disabled, so it will be interesting to see what default Google chooses, and whether they will have that option. It would be rather pointless having privacy labels without some way the user can choose to opt out. Seeing a majority of free Android apps are advert driven it will also be interesting to see how this shifts that ecosystem.

See Google Play Store to add privacy information for all Android apps

#technology #privacy #tracking #android


Google announced the future introduction of a privacy information section on the entries of Android applications listed in its Google Play Store digital distribution service starting with Q1 2022.

