Linux for Starters – How to Choose a Distro

You’ve decided that you want to try Linux but are unsure how to proceed. You are confused by the many hundreds of Linux distributions (distros) available. Which distro should you try?

There is no ‘perfect distribution’ and there isn’t a magical answer to the question. It’s a decision which will depend on your requirements and personal preferences. The best way to help is to focus on a few key considerations.

One thing to remember with Linux is that it is all running the same kernel under the hood so usually any Linux app will run on any Linux distro, and the differences come in with how the package managers work. So whichever distro you choose to start on, chances are you can install any app and can still customise that distro to do what you need.

This article discusses hardware considerations, beginner friendliness, point release vs rolling release distros. Their following article will discuss how to install a distro.

See Linux for Starters: Your Guide to Linux – Choose a Distro - Part 2 - LinuxLinks

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Which distro should you try? We offer advice for beginners to Linux examining what makes a 'beginner friendly' distro.

