Here’s a little-known iPhone trick that you’ll definitely want to remember, to close (and auto close) tabs on Safari browser

I thought this may be of no use but when I long pressed on that icon I was surprised to see I had 74 tabs open in Safari browser on my iPhone. A normal press shows all the previous tabs which you can browse through and switch to, but the long press gives an option to close everything in one go. Also I noticed another option on that pop up which you could select to auto-close tabs after a period like a day or a week.

See Here’s a little-known iPhone trick that you’ll definitely want to remember

#technology #ios #safaribrowser #tip


If you’re like me, there’s a good chance that when you open up the Safari browser on your iPhone there are dozens upon dozens of open tabs lurking there in the background. And while this may not ordinarily impact the user experience due to capable iPhone hardware, it can sometimes make finding something you were …

