Apple Watch Likely to Gain Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, and Blood Alcohol Monitoring In Future Through Partnership With Rockley Photonics

Apple has been revealed to be the largest customer of the British electronics start-up Rockley Photonics, The Telegraph reports.

Rockley Photonics has developed non-invasive optical sensors for detecting multiple blood-related health metrics, including blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood alcohol levels, many of which are only normally detectable with more invasive dedicated medical equipment. Rockley's sensors beam infrared light through a user's skin, much like the existing sensors on the back of the Apple Watch for detecting heart rate and blood oxygen levels.

If so, this is truly big and one wonders, seeing Rockley Photonics is a 3rd party company, whether its sensors could be used by
Samsung and others too in future. It does seem though, given Apple's long-standing research with medical institutions already, that they will have a head start as the software side also needs to work well with the sensors. Right now though it is all rumoured as there is no finished product, but it is certainly something we'd like to see.

See Apple Watch Likely to Gain Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, and Blood Alcohol Monitoring

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The Apple Watch may gain the ability to measure blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood alcohol levels, according to newly-revealed information...

