South Africa’s plan to launch state-owned cloud computing mega-network biased towards open standards and open systems, including open source frameworks rather than closed and exclusive system

“The Data and Cloud Policy seeks to strengthen the capacity of the State to deliver services to its citizens, ensure informed policy development based on data analytics, as well as promote South Africa’s data sovereignty and the security thereof,” the draft policy states.

“The envisaged overall policy framework on data and cloud must be biased towards open standards and open systems, including open source frameworks rather than closed and exclusive systems.”

“The HPCDPC will leverage the existing computing capacity and technical capabilities of the CSIR and SITA, and will operate in conformance with international best practice,” the draft policy states.

Looks like South Africa is starting to stand up to Big Tech now and ensure more ownership and competition over solutions. This bodes well for the future if it goes through. Goodbye vendor lock-in!

Those interested in commenting on government’s proposed National Data and Cloud Policy have 30 working days from 1 April to do so.

See South Africa’s plan to launch state-owned cloud computing mega-network

#technology #southafrica #opensource #openstandards #cloud

The policy framework on data and cloud will be biased towards open standards and open systems, including open source frameworks.

