pCloud did an analysis of the Apple app privacy labels and shows the most 'Invasive' apps collecting your data

No, Facebook is actually in second place, but second to one of its other family members, Instagram. And yes Microsoft's LinkedIn is right up there in number 3 place. A better privacy respecting alternative to Instagram is Pixelfed.

Apps that collect data for third-party use do so for targeting purposes, sharing the info across different apps and websites. Apps also collect data to market their own products, with Facebook and Instagram again collecting the most data in this category.

One could argue though with this list that if a particular privacy category shown, has a higher weighting, then that would of course skew the scoring and the order somewhat differently.

See App Privacy Study Looks at Most 'Invasive' Apps Collecting User Data

#technology #privacy #privacylabels


With App Privacy labels now available for many of the top apps in the App Store, pCloud earlier this month took a look at the most "invasive"...

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/pcloud-did-analysis-apple-app-privacy-labels-and-shows-most-invasive-apps-collecting-your-data
