NIO Completes Its 2 Millionth Battery Swap and has Battery-as-a-Service and other charging options

Power Swap is an integral part of NIO’s Battery as a Service (BaaS) solution and it allows one to charge, swap, or upgrade their batteries. It is a time-efficient solution for some users’ needs instead of charging the battery. It also allows users to upgrade the battery if they wish (for the relevant fee), a special way to progressively enjoy the evolution of battery technology — from a driver’s perspective at least.

Its Power Swap service physically switches out the internal battery (in a few minutes) — an approach dismissed by Musk — while a mobile charging service visits users to top their cars up if needed. Nio can also access China’s national charging network, 59.6 percent of which are classified as “superchargers.”

See NIO Completes Its 2 Millionth Battery Swap

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NIO completed its 2,000,000th NIO Power Swap this week. This took place in the Suzhou Delivery Center in China. NIO emphasized that its success wouldn’t have been possible without the NIO community’s trust and support. No other company has really made a success out of battery swapping for electric cars. The company’s Power Swap stations […]

