Things to Consider When Buying an EV Charger for Your Home as You Very Likely Don't Need the Most Expensive or Fastest One

Typical electric cars take somewhere around 7 hours for a full charge from 0 to 100%, but if you will be using the car predominantly in the city or for short trips you will rarely need to recharge it from such a low point.

Keeping that in mind, you should not go and buy the fastest and most expensive one on the market, unless you have an irregular schedule, and you drive long distances. If you will be doing most of the charging overnight, you can safely get a cheaper Level 2 charger and wake up with your car fully charged and ready to go.

The article below gives some good tips to consider when making a  choice.

See Things to Consider When Buying an EV Charger for Your Home

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Electric vehicles are not part of the realm of science fiction anymore, with many manufacturers unveiling a new model seemingly every month. In turn, more people have started buying them. The next logical step for most new EV owners is installing a charger at home.

