Leveling up: Can video games treat mental illness? I believe they can be better than sitting on a couch watching TV all day...
An interesting read below and I can see how some type of issues could be alleviated with the different levels of engagement that video games often provide. But it is probably wise to get some guidance first of whatever you're trying to alleviate.
Video games can all be very different from light fun, to dark impressions of reality, engaging strategy, puzzles, adventure, mathematics and physics, simulators, and much more.
It is true too that for many people it can give them a real sense of purpose not only in cracking the game itself, but sometimes even as a career if they are really good. It takes a lot of time, skill, and dedication to get really good at mastering today's games. With massive multi-player online (MMO) nowadays there is also a large amount of teamwork required and social interaction.
See Leveling up: Can video games treat mental illness?
#technology #gaming #mentalillness #depression #health
Contrary to old misconceptions, video games may actually be helping your depression.
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/leveling-can-video-games-treat-mental-illness-i-believe-they-can-be-better-sitting-couch-watching