For just over an hour on 11 October 100% of energy demand was met by solar panels alone for the entire South Australia (77% from rooftops remainder from solar farms)

South Australia's renewable energy boom has achieved a global milestone. The state once known for not having enough power has become the first major jurisdiction in the world to be powered entirely by solar energy.

"Never before has a jurisdiction the size of South Australia been completely run by solar power, with consumers' rooftop solar systems contributing 77 per cent."

Any excess power generated by gas and wind farms on that day was stored in batteries or exported to Victoria via the interconnector.

This State has invested heavily in solar with already about a third of their houses (288,000) already generating their own electricity and another 36,000 to have it installed over the next 14 months. They are planning to export more excess power to Victoria and NSW.

See For an hour a fortnight ago, South Australia ran purely on solar power

#environment #solar #Australia


The state once known for not having enough power becomes the first major jurisdiction in the world to be powered entirely by energy from the sun.

