The Present & Future of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology - By 2050, up to 45% of households will actively help stabilise electrical grid demand

V2G charging will be more effective than smart charging. This is due to the ability to link EVs together and put significant levels of energy back into the grid at peak times, like a huge decentralized power station. V2G will therefore help to reduce the grid’s need for additional energy generation, typically supplied by fossil fuels at peak times, as well as reducing demand on electricity networks, and allowing EV drivers to use greener and cheaper electricity.

However at present only Nissan battery electric vehicles (BEVs) (LEAF & e-NV200 van) can use V2G due to their CHAdeMO charging technology. Virtually all other EVs instead use the Combined Charging System (CCS) technology; the body promoting CCS, CharIN, has said it will be 2025 before it can support V2G. The EV manufacturers also need to develop their own products and bring them to market.

See The Present & Future of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology

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By 2050, up to 45% of households will actively provide Vehicle to Grid (V2G) services, according to National Grid ESO’s Future Energy Scenarios, July 2020.

