Be careful what you say on WhatsApp (actually any social platform) in South Africa

Some interesting insights into recent prosecutions in South Africa and it should be noted that there is a line drawn between a one-to-one communication and a broadcast to a group for some complaints, and this also raises a point not mentioned that disappearing messages, if screenshotted by multiple recipients, will act as corroboration even if the sender securely deletes the message.

Just not sure why all the prosecutions are for Whatsapp users as they do not involve anything technical related to that platform. Of course the really infamous one was the case of the poor lady sending a mistaken photo to a Whatsapp group in SA which she deleted too late. No criminal case but it ended up costing her marriage. Then again many criminals have also been caught through their use of social media, so social media has been an interesting ride for its users...

See Be careful what you say on WhatsApp in South Africa

#technology #southafrica #socialmedia #crime


South Africans should be aware that they can be sued for making derogatory remarks about a particular person or company over WhatsApp.

