We are living through challenging times. And with many of us physically separated from family, friends, therapists, and support systems, maintaining our mental health is particularly difficult right now.
There is no substitute for those invaluable support systems, of course, but it can be really helpful to hear the lived experiences of other people who are going through the same thing you are.
As someone with anxiety who's relied heavily on virtual talk therapy during lockdown, the author has found it so helpful to listen to podcasts where people speak honestly and openly about their mental health. In her experience, she says it helps to know you're not alone.
A good podcast player will help you queue up the episodes you want to listen to, and allow the playback to fill up the unproductive parts of your day (or play them, back faster or slower to suite you).
See 8 podcasts that talk honestly about mental health
#health #mentalhealth #podcasting
Podcasts are a great way to make your home feel less quiet, and you feel better. Here are a few that will bring some welcome noise — and good, honest conversation about mental health — into your home.
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/8-podcasts-talk-honestly-about-mental-health