An interesting look at what went wrong with Skype - Spoiler: 'pe' in Skype's name stood for Peer-to-Peer
This was quite an interesting watch about what happened to the video chat service that ruled the world, and which I have not used for the last few years.
It also reminds me of so many excellent products acquired by Google and Microsoft which were either deliberately killed off (to remove the competition) or which were left to just die (after sucking out the IP and not investing in the product). The real innovation and risk taking lies with owner-entrepreneurs who live on the edge to make their dream come alive. 'Google' and 'single messenger' has become an oxymoron and I no longer even bother testing out Google messenger products, but then Microsoft has actually gone through just as many.
Then I think of Linux, Big Blue Button, etc and although old they come from a solid pedigree of evolving stability. They improve incrementally and retain solid performance without the rush to make everything material design tomorrow or a ribbon bar (although LibreOffice launched a ribbon bar, you were never forced to switch to using it). They evolve in response to user inputs and move with their communities.
But as consumers we must not moan, we must just realise the choice lies with ourselves to use something, or to abandon it and use something else. If we don't exercise that right, we kill that right for ourselves and create our own perceived prison walls.
See How Microsoft ruined Skype
#technology #videoconferencing
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