Tech Conference Almost Cancelled By Quarantine Moves Whole Event & 1000 Attendees To SInespace's (3D Virtual World) Breakroom
“The current virtual events are like one-way communication, and it’s very difficult for people to interact,” said Korhaliller. “Sinespace is more like a cinema-style 3D world. It really allows people to immerse themselves in the experience.”
In April, Korhaliller held a pilot conference for BlockDown, attracting 1,000 people from around the world, who paid $25 each to hear talks and network online. The pilot event also had 10 paying sponsors, who set up 3D exhibit booths that automatically grab the details of visiting attendees...
Cool real world use case on for Sinespace's Breakroom (a media partner to this blog) featured on VentureBeat -- a virtual world-based tech conference: BlockDown is a direct response to the worldwide quarantine, which effectively canceled an April conference EAK...