Easy Internet for retro computers with the PiModem - emulates a serial modem for older systems to link to the outside world

PiModem consists of using a Raspberry Pi Zero W to emulate a serial modem, providing older systems with a link to the outside world. This involves setting up the Pi to use its hardware serial port to communicate with the computer in question. A level shifter is usually required, as well as a small hack to enable hardware flow control where necessary. It’s then a simple matter of using tcpser and pppd so you can talk to telnet BBSs and the wider Internet at large.

It’s a tidy hack that makes getting an old machine online much cheaper and easier than using hardware of the era.

See Easy Internet For Retro Computers With The PiModem

#technology #retro #RaspberryPi


Retro computers are great, but what really makes a computer special is how many other computers it can talk to. It’s all about the network! Often, getting these vintage rigs online requires a…

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/easy-internet-retro-computers-pimodem-emulates-serial-modem-older-systems-link-outside-world
