9 Best music server software options: Build your own Spotify or Google Music

I must say I gave into a streaming service because it was cheap enough every month to make all my own music I like available, and it does go some way to providing income for artists. Actually for me a streaming service is a bit of a waste as I rarely (ever?) enjoy new releases, so I'm probably not getting much value out of it.

All my music is on CD's and records (which I converted to digital) so one of these "self-streaming" options may well work for me. Others don't like the fact they have to rely on Spotify or Google Music watching their every move, or may not find their music available on some services, so these may also be of interest. As a bonus some of these are also open source software.

See 9 Best music server software options: Build your own Spotify

#technology #streaming #music


Check out the best music server software options, from Subsonic and Madsonic to Plex, Emby, and everything in between.

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/9-best-music-server-software-options-build-your-own-spotify-or-google-music
