How to Make a Raspberry Pi Smart Doorbell that works with open source Jitsi Meet video conferencing

The smart doorbell opens a virtual meeting room for the guest when they press the button. It also sends a notification to your phone with a link to the same meeting room so that you can chat with the guest. Make two of these doorbells and they can join the same meeting room and be used as a video intercom system.

What is not covered in this video is the actual door opening part. If you are concerned about privacy you could also host the Jitsi side yourself in your own home (because its open source and you can!).

Watch at How to Make a Raspberry Pi Smart Doorbell

#technology #DIY opensource #RaspberryPi


In this video, we show you how to use a Raspberry Pi 3 (you could also use a Raspberry Pi 4) to power a DIY Smart Doorbell. The smart doorbell opens a virtua...

