Free open source can help you manage remote working - Jitsi meetings and Kimai/eHour/Rachota for time management and Riot/Mattermost/Rocketchat for collaboration

There is plenty of completely free software (most that you can host onsite at your own company and allows web based access) to help manage employees working remotely. The software covers project management, document management, CRM, ERP, collaboration, mapping, help desk, and much more. There is no reason to have to shell out money for employees to install software at home.

See Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) | Gadgeteer

#opensource #remoteworking #technology


There are pro's and con's for both proprietary and open source software. It is a question of the right tool for the job. Open source is not necessarily free! I see great opportunities for levelling the playing fields in the South African IT industry, and believe that open source will enable small IT companies in South Africa to provide win-win solutions. Below are some of the key links I track regarding open source software.

