During Social Distancing You Can Play These Popular Board and Card Games Online With Friends

Social distancing doesn’t have to mean the end of game night with your friends, it just means that rather than breaking out a game board and inviting your friends over you need to take things online.

Turns out, almost every board game you can think of can actually be played online, and there are a number of websites out there to make the magic happen. A lot of them will require you to register if you want to play with friends but will let that gameplay happen free once you do thanks to some ads. Others have a subscription fee, but if you’re planning on playing online a lot over the next few months then it might be worth it.

And don’t forget that most gaming consoles have an online option as well. If you haven’t purchased that online package yet, now might be the time to get some friends together for a little Overcooked or Call of Duty.

See You Can Play These Popular Board and Card Games Online With Friends

#technology #gaming


Social distancing doesn’t have to mean the end of game night with your friends, it just means that rather than breaking out a game board and inviting your friends over you need to take things online.

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/during-social-distancing-you-can-play-these-popular-board-and-card-games-online-friends
