ZX Spectrum Next - The ZX Spectrum reborn: a new machine, fully compatible with the original computer, and packed with improvements and expansions

Decades have come and gone and the Speccy is still alive and kicking. New games are being launched all the time, the demoscene carries on pushing the hardware limits to the unimaginable, artists keep on creating great 8-bit eyecandy and music with it. Alongside this there are thousands of awesome games in the back catalogue to play.

Meanwhile hardware hackers around the world have expanded the ZX Spectrum to support SD card storage, feature new and better video modes, pack more memory, faster processor... Problem is, these expansions can be difficult to get hold of, and without a standardised Spectrum, no one knows what to support or develop for.

Here is our answer: The Spectrum Next - an updated and enhanced version of the ZX Spectrum totally compatible with the original, featuring the major hardware developments of the past many years packed inside a simple (and beautiful) design by the original designer, Rick Dickinson, inspired by his seminal work at Sinclair Research.

As at 15 Feb 2020 there were 3,113 backers for this KickStarter crowd funding project.

See https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1835143999/zx-spectrum-next/description

#technology #hardware #retro

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/zx-spectrum-next-zx-spectrum-reborn-new-machine-fully-compatible-original-computer-and-packed
