We finally have a tool to flash Tasmota (and other .bin files) with a click of a mouse to Sonoff devices

Do you remember the times when flashing ESP8285, ESP8266 or ESP32 was complicated? I have at least 2 tutorials that walk you through the process. It’s 2020 and we finally have a tool to flash Tasmota (and other .bin files) with a click of a mouse, with the minimal setup: Tasmotizer! And what a name (and logo) it comes with!

Yes we still have the hassle of the pin connections to the board, but I found once that was done and the software flashed, I could remotely flash further updates with Tasmota over the LAN so its not an effort that must be done every time.

See Flashing ESP with Tasmotizer is a dream come true - Not Enough TECH

#technology #homeautomation


How to flash Tasmota on ESP devices with new Tasmotizer tool

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/we-finally-have-tool-flash-tasmota-and-other-bin-files-click-mouse-sonoff-devices
