LoRa mesh networking for off-grid communication using off-the-shelf ESP32 LoRa development boards

An ideal application for mesh networking is off-grid communication; when there’s no cellular reception and WiFi won’t reach, wide-area technologies like LoRa can be used to create ad hoc wireless networks. Whether you’re enjoying the outdoors with friends or conducting a rescue operation, a cheap and small gadget that will allow you to create such a network and communicate over it would be a very welcome addition to your pack.

That’s exactly the goal of the Meshtastic project, which aims to take off-the-shelf ESP32 LoRa development boards and turn them into affordable mesh network communicators. All you need to do is buy one of the supported boards, install the firmware, and starting meshing. An Android application that will allow you to use the mesh network to send basic text messages is readying for an alpha release, and eventually you’ll be able to run Signal over the LoRa link.

See LoRa Mesh Network With Off-the-Shelf Hardware

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An ideal application for mesh networking is off-grid communication; when there’s no cellular reception and WiFi won’t reach, wide-area technologies like LoRa can be used to create ad ho…

source https://gadgeteer.co.za/lora-mesh-networking-grid-communication-using-shelf-esp32-lora-development-boards
