How to install open source Tiny Tiny RSS on a Raspberry Pi - Read your news feeds while keeping your privacy intact

Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS) is a free and open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator. It's ideally suited to those who are privacy-focused and still rely on RSS for their daily news. Tiny Tiny RSS is self-hosted software, so you have 100% control of the server, your data, and your overall privacy. It also supports a wide range of plugins, add-ons, and themes, Want a dark mode interface? No problem. Want to filter your incoming news based on keywords? TT-RSS has you covered there, as well.

This is on my bucket list later in 2020 to migrate away from Feedly / InoReader to TT-RSS. I use RSS extensively for reading through 400-500 news posts a day and there is no way I can do that by visiting every site. Without RSS feeds I'd be lost.

So the installation instructions here will work for free on a Raspberry Pi at home as there is no need to host this service. TT-RSS is included free often with cPanel hosting and Softaculous, and is a lot easier to install, but if you don't have that hosting already then the Raspberry Pi method is as good and there is no hosting costs.

See How to install TT-RSS on a Raspberry Pi

#technology #opensource #RSS


Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS) is a free and open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator. It's ideally suited to those who are privacy-focused and still rely on RSS for their daily news. Tiny Tiny RSS is self-hosted software, so you have 100% control of the server, your data, and your overall privacy. It also supports a wide range of plugins, add-ons, and themes, Want a dark mode interface? No problem. Want to filter your incoming news based on keywords? TT-RSS has you covered there, as well.

