Five Open-Source Projects AI Enthusiasts Might Want to Know About - Google's TensorFlow, Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit, Acumos AI, Apache SystemML, and OpenNN - But AI can also be weaponised

As AI becomes more and more ingrained in our daily lives through consumer products, we can’t help but be concerned that proprietary software will comprise the market. Many industries and end-users would thus benefit from more open-source AI projects and tools for developers’ use. That would save tons of individuals and companies money to build their own AI-powered apps.

In this post, we explore five open-source AI projects or tools that are compatible with Linux and delve into the pros and cons of open-source AI and AI in general.

AI-powered tools and systems have the potential to change processes for the better—healthcare becomes more factual than intuitive, increases in revenue can be seen more clearly in marketing efforts, and food security becomes a reality rather than a dream.

However, we should not discount the fact that AI can also be weaponized, empowering the wrong people. Cybersecurity systems must also be upgraded to counter AI-powered cyberattacks. And when developing AI-powered machines, it is critical to ensure that they are not vulnerable to attacks.

AI responds and learns from stimuli and this can be used against them too if they are not made aware (think of the self-driving car where someone faked the centre line turning off the road).

See Five Open-Source Projects AI Enthusiasts Might Want to Know About.

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five open source projects ai enthusiasts might want to know about Linux is arguably software developers’ favorite OS. Over 14,000 contributors have invested cou

