Five benefits of playing video games regularly - it’s critical to understand that there are unexpected, scientifically proven benefits associated with regular gaming

At this point in time, with video games fully exposed and in the mainstream, we’ve all heard the same age-old criticisms of the industry ad-nauseam. Whether you’ve heard otherwise, it’s critical to understand that there are unexpected, scientifically proven benefits associated with regular gaming.

Some of the benefits covered here with studies, include:
* Vision improvements
* Social Skills
* Medical treatment
* A mental workout
* Transferable skills

By taking the time to sharpen the mental saw, and hone skills applicable in real life, you’re that much more equipped to deal with the mental deterioration of becoming older, and your future self will be very grateful that you took the time to be prepared.

All in all, the benefits of gaming regularly are clear. Having gaming as a habit gives you a genuine leg up mentally, as well as in your day-to-day routines.


