WhatsApp has been quite stubbornly behind the curve (Telegram has long had theming and a dark mode) on bringing on a dark mode of some sort. The first hint of it came in 2018, then came a couple more signals last year. Well, good news at last: the latest beta will finally let you give dark mode a spin.
If you're enrolled in the beta, check to see if you're on version 2.20.13. If you're not, don't worry, just download it from APK Mirror.
See https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/01/21/whatsapp-dark-mode-beta/
#technology #instantmessaging
#^Latest WhatsApp beta finally brings dark mode (APK Download)
Ah, WhatsApp. It's a Facebook-owned chat client with more than 5 billion installs on Android and has been quite stubbornly behind the curve on bringing on
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/latest-whatsapp-beta-finally-brings-dark-mode-apk-download