Decentralized Social Networks - An excellent article comparing federated and peer-to-peer protocols as alternatives to centralised Facebook, Twitter, etc
This is one of the best overviews I've read contrasting the differences between centralised and decentralised (federated and peer-to-peer) social networks. We all know about the problems with Facebook and there are numerous alternatives but by understanding the pro's and con's and differences between centralised, federated, and p2p networks its easier to narrow down the alternatives worth considering.
By understanding what federated networks are you will realise that the specific social network platform chosen may not make so much difference as many interconnect using a common protocol. Coming from centralised social platforms many users do not understand the concept of federation and p2p and this article will help explain the advantages and disadvantages.
Decentralised social networks are touted to be a good alternative to centralised networks and this article will get you up to speed on why this is.
#technology #socialnetworks
#^Decentralized Social Networks
Comparing federated and peer-to-peer protocols