Why Citymapper is better than Google Maps to get around in 41 major metros with lots of public transit options
For plenty of folks, Google Maps might as well be the only navigation app that exists. It's pre-installed on lots of Android devices, and even iOS users probably trust the app with name recognition over Apple's default option.
And that's fine! Google Maps is a reliable source of navigation info and restaurant recommendations. But for big city commuters in particular, Alex Perry from Mashable thinks there's a better option. It's one he's used since he moved to New York City almost four years ago, and he doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon.
Citymapper, as its name suggests, is a mobile navigation app primarily for use in metropolitan cities. Try opening it in Kansas, where it's not supported yet, and you'll be out of luck. But that hasn't stopped it from garnering high praise in places like the iOS App Store. If you live and work in a city with huge amounts of public transit options, Citymapper is more comprehensive than Google Maps in some key ways.
See why at https://mashable.com/article/citymapper-google-maps/ and you can see the list of supported cities at https://citymapper.com/cities
#technology #navigation
#^Why I use this app instead of Google Maps to get around
You may love Google Maps, but for some of us, there's a better option out there.
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/why-citymapper-better-google-maps-get-around-41-major-metros-lots-public-transit-options