Design and build of a Rasbperry PI based Calendar, ToDo and Weather display on a colour e-ink screen
The case is made of all 3d printed parts and is able to be set on a desktop, or hung upside down from a shelf. All code written in python and pulls data from Open Weather Map for weather, Google Calendar for the calendar items and Todoist for ToDo items.
The colour screen is a Waveshare 7.5 inch e-Paper HAT selling for about $54. It is ultra-low power consumption without backlighting or touch input. It is really just used to display information.
The nice thing with this project, being open source, is it could be modified to display anything else such as grocery lists, cricket scores, etc.
The video at shows you how it is put together, and has a link to another page with more details on the components.
#technology #raspberrypi #opensource
#^Raspberry Pi E Ink Task Organizer
Design and build of a Rasbperry PI based Calendar, ToDo and Weather display on an e-ink screen. The case is made of all 3d printed parts and is able to be se...