Moving the Home folder to another partition in Ubuntu

By default, when you have Ubuntu installed, it is likely that the system folders and the home folder all belong to the same partition. In order to keep your custom settings, your files and folders, it is recommended that you put your home folder in a specific partition so that future alterations on the system files and folders will not have any effect on the home folder so that you would be able to upgrade or even reinstall your Ubuntu without damaging the current custom files configuration.

Using a different partition is also better if you intend to switch between different distros and you want to keep all your user data intact between switching. The advice is also valid for other Linux distos and not just Ubuntu.


#opensource #linux #ubuntu
#^Moving the Home folder to another partition in Ubuntu


Usually when you have Ubuntu installed, it is likely that the system folders and the home folder all belong to the same partition.In order to keep your

