Just a few short years ago, hydrogen and battery electric vehicles were both excitedly vying to become the future of the automobile. Expert punditry was split on which alternative would emerge triumphant and save us all from our fossil-fuel overlords. Hydrogen vehicles are basically electric cars with a fuel tank.
The Japanese automakers, in particular, have always been major proponents of hydrogen fuel as the perfect replacement for gasoline and diesel fuels, and as late as 2006 Ford and GM were debuting hydrogen car concepts, with BMW carrying the torch up to 2015. Currently, there are three hydrogen fuel cell cars available for lease (and lease only): The Toyota Mirai, the Honda Clarity Fuel Cell, and the Hyundai NEXO.
Heading into 2020, the primacy of battery electric vehicles as our propulsion future seems absolute, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles seem to be nothing but a diversion. How did we get here, and is hydrogen a lost cause?
See https://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/hydrogen-cars/
source https://gadgeteer.co.za/hydrogen-was-fuel-tomorrow-so-what-happened-hint-its-cost-factor